Guggenheim Bilbao Museum

Abandoibarra Av. 2, 48009, Bilbao, Spain
How to get there

By plane

Bilbao International Airport (LOIU). 15 km from the city centre, with bus service to and from the airport.

By Bus
  • Routes 1, 10, 13, 18 and A7 at the stop: “Museo 1 / Henao”.
  • Routes 13, 27, 38, and 48 at the stops: “Alda. Recalde 31 and 11”, and “Alda. Recalde 12”.
  • Routes 11 and 71 at the stops: “La Salve / Igogailua” and “Campo Volantín / La Salve”.
By Tram

Guggenheim stop.

By Metro

Stop: Moyua, exit: “Ercilla-Guggenheim”

By Taxi
  • Radiotaxi: +34 944 448 888
  • Teletaxi: +34 944 102 121
  • Taxi Nerjón: +34 944 269 026

Taxis operate at Bilbao Airport 24 hours a day, every day. To learn more about the rates and make reservations, click here.
Trips from the airport to the city center take 20 minutes and cost approximately 30 euros.
Taxis usually allow clients to pay with a bank card; however, we suggest asking before getting in.

Parking Bilbao

Parking in the streets of Bilbao is limited, with different colours marking different zones, each with its time limit and parking charges. Please look for the OTA/TAO signs. Bilbao has several underground car parks.